Oct 1, 2012


This is a vocabulary game where students try to guess a vocabulary word based on another students' drawings. It can be played in small groups or as a class.

Required Materials

Chalkboard/whiteboard/large drawing pad or students' notebooks
Pens, etc.
(ideally) Small slips of paper with current vocabulary words


  1. Divide students into groups - you can divide the class in half or into smaller groups.
  2. One student in each group is given a vocabulary word, and required to draw something that will help the other students guess the word. They are not allowed to write any words, or to use gestures or speech (except to confirm whether or not the guesses are correct).


  • This game can be played for points between two teams, in which case a time limit should be set. During the time limit, only students from the same group can try to guess the word. If the student exceeds the time, students from the other group may guess the word. Whichever group guesses the word correctly receives a point.
  • The game can be played as a race between two groups. Each group is given the same number of vocab cards. Each person in the group is required to draw a vocab word. When the group guesses the word correctly, the next person in the group has to draw. The first group to guess all of the vocabulary words wins.
  • In order to make the game more communicative, one can ask students to use a correctly guessed word in a sentence for an extra point or a piece of candy.

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