Contributing to the Blog
To contribute to the blog, you must create a blogger account and receive permission from the curator. Once you have permission, you may add entries to the blog, you may edit your own previous entries, and you may add comments to other contributors' entries, including translations of their instructions. To request to join the blog, please email:amagidow AT gmail DOT com
Style Guide
The primarily language of entries for this blog should be English, but in order to ensure the widest possible audience we encourage translation of the game instructions in the comments to the individual blog entries.Entries should have a single game per entry.
Entries should start with a general prose overview of the game, followed by a list of all required materials. For games with a specific length of time required, please indicate how long they will take to play. In most cases, teachers should be able to change the length of the game to suit the length of their class and the amount of time they wish to spend on it.
The required materials list should be followed by detailed instructions for the game. Instructions for games should be clear and concise, and should offer step-by-step instructors for how the games are the be played. Instructors should be made as language neutral as possible, unless a game only works for a specific language, in which case the entry should be tagged appropriately.
The headings should be made using the "Heading" style offered by the Blogger editor. The remainder of the text will be "Normal" style. The fonts are slightly different in the editor and on the actual blog.
All entries should be tagged appropriately to allow for other teachers to find your games. Please use tags which already exist, and try not to create tags except when you are sure an appropriate tag does not exist.
The curator may alter your instructions for clarity, and may add or remove tags in order to make the entry conform to the rest of the blog. This style guide will likely grow as more entries are made.
By default entries are covered by the Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Sharealike license.
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your
work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new
creations under the identical terms.Those interested in moving outside of these rights are required to contact individual posters.Posters may also choose their own license terms. These terms should be listed at the end of a poster's entry.
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